Monday, October 27, 2014


It is important to remember the following:

1.  Attendance!  Students who come to school late or not at all tend to miss a lot of work (even for just one day).  Please try to be at school everyday, unless you are very sick.

2.  Uniforms!  We are a uniform school, and each student should be wearing a uniform daily.  Uniforms  include, Boys: light blue shirt, navy blue pants & Girls:  light blue shirt, navy blue pants, or navy blue dress/skirt.

3.  Homework!  Homework is given every night Monday - Friday.  Each class is different, so please  contact your child's teacher if you have questions.  Check your child's folder and notebooks daily for important notes.

4. Field Trip! We will be going on a field trip to Queens College on December 15 to see Frosty the play.  The cost is $10 for all children and adults who attend.  Money is due by October 29, so please send in money and permission slips before this time if you want your child to attend.

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